The crucified, risen, and ascended Christ gathers us together in church around His holy Word & Sacrament. Here He meets us in the Word, the Absolution, and Holy Communion. Not only does He meet us but He serves us (divine service), giving us in the Word & Sacrament that very forgiveness of sins He won for us on the cross. Our greatest worship of Christ is to believe His Word and trust in His work; and so come to church each Sunday seeking the forgiveness of sins He wants to give us!
Our worship, then, is desiring and receiving in faith the good things that God gives us in His Word & Sacraments. And having received those gifts of forgiveness, grace and righteousness, we then from our hearts sing our praises and give our thanks to our gracious merciful God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We offer Holy Communion every Sunday. On the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of every month it is offered during our Divine Service and on the 2nd and 4th Sundays it is offered immediately following our service. As have most Christian churches for two millennia, we practice Close Communion. Believing the Bible clearly sets forth doctrinal unity for those receiving this Sacrament together, we invite to the Lord’s Table any member in good standing from a congregation within the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, as well as members of LCMS Partner Churches including the American Association of Lutheran Churches and the Lutheran Church—Canada.
NOTE: The whole family is welcome to participate in the whole service with our congregation. Child care for infants and toddlers can be made available by speaking with an Usher. A play area with toys and our restrooms are down the stairs off of the Narthex.
If you have any questions, feel free to call the church office at 607-962-4970 or email