The following rite serves to receive Christians as communicant members of our congregation either by confirmation, transfer, or profession of faith. Please speak with Pastor Grabenhofer if you are interested in learning more about how to become a member of Faith Lutheran Church.
Dear friends in Christ, the members of our congregation are happy that you are to become part of our Christian fellowship. Our Lord Jesus Christ bids us to confess him before men, with the promise that he will then confess us before his Father in heaven. That we may rejoice in your confession, I now ask you in the presence of God and of this congregation: Do you accept and confess that the teachings of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, as you have learned to know them from the Small Catechism, are faithful and true to the Word of God? If so, answer: I do.
l do.
As a member of this Church, do you intend to continue in the confession of this Church, attend corporate worship, make diligent use of the means of grace, and lead a righteous and godly life? If so, answer: l do so intend with the help of God.
I do so intend with the help of God.
Will you support the work our gracious Lord has given this congregation with your prayers, time, treasure, and talent? If so, answer: I will with the help of God.
I will with the help of God.
Upon this your promise, I, in the name of this congregation, extend to you the right hand of fellowship and love, acknowledging you as a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church and inviting you to receive the Lord’s Supper and to participate in all the other blessings of salvation which God has given to his Church, in the name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Peace be with you.
The Rite of Receiving of Members is taken from Lutheran Worship Agenda, copyright © 1984 by Concordia Publishing House.